Quote of the Day
album06/IMG_0133Tom (in the middle of installing a cable modem): “Thomas, you’re touching me. Take a hike. Go play in another room.” Thomas: “Dad.. this is the FAMILY room!”
Costume Party – March 23
On Wednesday, the kids and I threw a costume party here! Costumes were required for children and moms! There were nine moms and twenty kids. Everyone brought food to add to a smorgasbord lunch, which included munchies (chips, crackers, pretzels), cookie-cutter cut peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwiches, fruit salad. For desert, we had jello […]
Forgetting to obey
Always trying to improve. Here’s a thought on parenting. If a parent gives a child a task to completed that is out of their range of sight, and the parents comes back a half-hour later and it’s not done and the child says that they “forgot” that their parent had told them to do something, […]
Mean Ladies Need Spankings; Naps
PicsOfKids/4kids2Today, I took the children to get their picture taken. I had a coupon for a free sitting and free 8×10. Everything was fine until we got into the studio room.
Sink Reflections – Chapter 2
misc/sink Chapter2: Let’s Talk about CHAOS and Clutter I think the acronym Cilley uses, and the fact that it spells a word meaning what happens as a result of clutter is just fabulous: Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome “Is your perfectionism one of the main reasons for clutter and chaos in your life and home?” […]
Sink Reflections – Chapter 1
misc/sink I am really enjoying the book Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley, founder of FlyLady.net A few thoughts that stood out from the first chapter: “Your home did not get dirty in a day and it is not going to get clean overnight” “It all starts with a shiny sink.” Baby steps! The “Shiny sink” […]
From Maintenance to Nurturing
Part II: So how does one move from maintenance to nurturing? First, we must realize that children are not ours, but the Lord’s. Yes, we carried our children for an average of nine months. Yes, we are responsible for their care. We are very, very involved in the raising of our children. Yet, while we […]
Do you know what causes children?
I recently subscribed to a Christian listserv called “QuiverFull” for parents of large families. I have found it very encouraging to hear everyone’s ideas on ways to take care of all of their children and yet prevent individual children from slipping through the cracks. One of the recent threads was on responding to people who […]
36 Questions
Tom would kill me for posting this… except that he’s not here! The monkeys have taken over the radio station. — “Change all the answers so they apply to you, and then send it to a whole bunch of people (including the person who sent it to you–me 🙂 The theory is that you will […]
When Life Gives You Strawberries, Cover Them With Chocolate
Chocolate Covered Strawberries (& Topping suggestions) This is an EASY dessert that tastes and looks amazing with little effort! Great for parties or gifts (they need to be kept cold, though, to keep the chocolate from melting). The kids and I just made a batch, and are going to go bless the neighbors with them. […]
Caring for Children is not Housework
Children create housework, but children are not housework. As I observe friends with children, particularly those who seem to be discouraged and overwhelmed with motherhood, I have noticed a pattern of sorts: they all seem to treat raising children as though it is a form of housework. They go through the motions of caring for […]
A Busy Mind: Why doing housework simply isn’t enough
Tom had made the following comment: As you can see from her previous posts, Sarah copes with separation the same way I do – by staying really busy. At least when I’m on travel, I’ve got lots of work to do to keep busy – Sarah has to be creative, and she’s better at being […]
Mom and Bethany’s Visit
grandvisit/IMG_0294 My mom and my sister also came to visit – they were here last week! They, along with my friend Laura and her daughter, came to church with us for Micah’s baptism. We filled up two rows! My mom had written “Your Mamma Loves You” in a heart on my chalkboard, and I’m NOT […]
A Visit from Uncle Ben
No, we’re not having rice for dinner. benvisit/IMG_0340My brother Ben (who is 19 years older than Thomas to the day) was visiting friends in PA and came to see us, too! (Click on the photo to see more pictures from his visit.) I had known that he was thinking of visiting, but not sure when. […]
Happy Birthday Thomas!
4thBD/IMG_0314 Thomas turned four on March 2nd!! (Click on pic for more party photos.) I had started to write a blog entry on his birthday, but didn’t get it done on the same date. I didnt’ want it buried in the blog, so I left the date as today’s. The first thing he did on […]