Le goûter by William Bouguereau
Today, while searching for a calendar to purchase for 2006, came across one that had a William Bouguereau’s painting of The Abduction of Psyche. I decided to do a search on this artist, and found this lovely painting of a little girl. “Le goûter” is French for “The Afternoon Snack”. The girl’s eyes reminded me […]
Casa Salad
One of my favorite places to eat in Fort Wayne, Indiana, is Casa’s in Fort Wayne. Today, I was missing their Isalata Casaburo, and decided to make my own. It hit the spot. The taste is uncomplicated and refreshing. The bite sized texture makes it easy to eat – you can almost scoop it up, […]
Click on the photo to see more in that set. fall2005/toetrying Micah, attempting to touch his feet The Garden Bunny (can you find the cricket?) fall2005/bunny1 Sarah-and-Tom/sj12 Mrs. Albrecht
Biscotti and Coffee
This morning, I awoke early – for me, this is 6:00am – and could not go back to sleep. Before I awoke, I was dreaming that I was in a large library (we are going to the library this morning, with our friends Susan and Timothy) and that I saw a man who was struggling […]
Quote of the Day; Penne Garden Alfredo
“EEeeww! Dinner smells like spider!” – Thomas, peering to a pot of boiling chicken broth made from our delicious “Chicken Stuffed with Garlic Butter” grilling experiment, the recipe taken from pages 208-10 of How to Grill: The Complete Illustrated Book of Barbecue Techniques and Recipes by Steven Raichlen. It should be noted that I was […]
Mud Party
New photos online from last week’s Mud Party. Click the photo to see more. This happened about 15 minutes before dinner was to begin. Baths took a priority to dinner that night!
Picture Yourself on a Stamp on a Package
With your favorite hat and a marmalade tie. Today at the Post Office, I learned how to ship my eBay packages internationally. I also learned that while the Post Office does ship liquid, such as perfume, UPS only will if you have a certificate from the manufacturer stating the item’s flash point. The Postmaster said […]
He Never Ever Sinned?
Tonight at bedtime, both Thomas and Tabitha expressed fear about dying as I was tucking them in. Although we often talk about Jesus, this evening was different because both children said specifically that they believed in Him. My mind is not quick, nor do I boast having great theological knowledge, and I pray that God […]
Love Seat Kiddie Jump
Who knew a tipped-over love seat could be so much fun? Click on the photo for more pics.
Labor Day
Labor Day this year was probably one of the most relaxing we’ve had in a while. The Carlson family, who are dear friends, came over and we had a leisurely afternoon together, feasting together, spitting watermelon seeds, and thanking God for our blessings – including the perfect weather. While the men burned a tree that […]
Aiden, mein schatz!
album05/aidenchoco1 album05/aidenchoco2Mrs Gloop: [Augustus is drinking the chocolate] Augustus, mein schatz! That is not a good thing you do!
Overdue Incentive
Chester County Library is holding an “Operation Katrina” day on September 8, 2005. “All fines and fees collected on this day will be sent to the American Red Cross for its hurricane relief efforts.” Overdue books are considered a crime (one of my dear friends received notice to appear in court to plead in the […]
Cutie Pie Micah
Micah required a bath tonight. He was giggly afterwards and smelling like a clean, Johnson and Johnson baby. Couldn’t resist snapping a few photos with him. Check out his fat rolls on the picture where he’s beeping my nose!!MomMicah/mommicah1
Wedding Anniversary
Today is our 6th Wedding Anniversary. To celebrate, Tom and I went to a concert in Phily last night. Tonight, we took the kiddies out to dinner at the Longhorn Steakhouse – all of the manners-practice at cheap food joints paid off. They were very well behaved, making mommy and daddy quite proud. XXII When […]
New Pictures
Daddy and Micah Spring05/109_0969 Spring05/109_0968 Tabitha’s RainbowSpring05/109_0965 Tom building his PVRSpring05/109_0963 Spring05/109_0961