Democratic Conundrum
Well, here’s a pickle for you. President Bush has been pushing the whole democracy in the Middle East thing for the last couple of years. For a long time, he was pushing for free elections in Palestine, especially since the U.S. really didn’t like Arafat that much. So, the Palestinians oblige, elections are held, people […]
Republican Lip Service
Every now and then, I read articles like these, which confirm my opinion of the Republican Party. I don’t post all of them, since I don’t want my blog to sound like a skipping record. But, I’ll post this one, entitled “GOP brushing off abortion opponents“. Liberals and plenty of Republicans have long questioned whether […]
Alito is Just Alright With Me
If we can judge a nomination by the fear it brings out of the liberal pundits, then Samuel Alito is a wonderful candidate. Liberal author David Corn seems to petrified that Alito is the perfect conservative judge. He is concerned that with Alito, the democrats will be unable to sidetrack the issues: There is no […]
States’ Wrongs
Get it? It’s a pun. So, apparently, a hurricane came through down south somewhere, and people are upset. Lots of finger-pointing. Lots of people playing “the blame game” (I love that game… it’s almost as fun as Mousetrap). As of yet, you, dear reader, have not known what to think about the problem because I […]
Low Expectations
Nero Bush fiddled strummed while Rome New Orleans burned flooded?