Spring Breeze

I’m sure I’m going to embarrass myself in this post, but here it goes.

On my last trip to Tokyo, I was coming through Shimbashi station when I ran into a group of people getting ready to play some instruments, so I stopped to listen. The lead instrument looked like a recorder, and there was a girl on violin, guitarist, and a guy sitting on the drum he was playing.

The music was enchanting… it reminded me of the folk music from the wedding scene in Braveheart. I stuck around for their entire three-song performance, and when they were done, I grabbed the cd they were selling.

Looking at the cd now, I can’t read a thing. The album is called “春風ウキウキ” (Spring Breeze Float Float), and the band is called “風絃流し”, which I think translates to something like “Wind Currents”. Of course, I have no idea how it’s pronounced.

Anyway, here are two samples, Bloom and Wonderland. Let me know what you think!
