Kate’s Bridal Shower

BridalShower/IMG_0233Kate’s bridal shower was this afternoon! Great Grandma Trudy, Becky, Liz, Diana, Tabitha and I all rode up together.

The winding and bumpy roads failed to put me into labor, and we listened to “Disney Princess” songs the whole way there for Tabitha’s sake. She was upset that we were taking grandma’s car and not our car — until grandma put in the music. “I like grandma’s car!” she said.

The shower was a surprise. Kate had overheard a phone conversation where her mom had said something about the 12th of February, and guessed that she was talking about a shower. Then, her mom had plans for a dinner on the same day – so Kate talked herself out of thinking it was the shower date. She worked in the morning until 2pm, and then came home. Still suspecting a shower, she looked around back to see if there were cars parked behind the house — but the guys had cleverly hidden them down the street. Again, she talked herself out of thinking there was a shower. When she opened the door, all the little girls pretty much attacked her with “SURPRISE!” She didn’t jump, but she was surprised.

During the whole shower, these same little girls, Tabitha included, all took turns carrying the presents around and showing them to the other party guests. Kate received two silky night gowns, and the girls were ooo-ing and ahh-ing over them and telling the guests to “feel how soft” they were.

Matt Albrecht and Kate McCarter plan to be married April 2, 2005.