They Didn’t Know?!

One one hand, this story has a “well, duh…” element about it. On the other hand, it’s dumbfounding how disfunctional our federal government, and how we continue to accept it. CNN has a story about the Senate barely catching language in the 2005 spending bill that would have allowed two Republican congressmen, one from Florida and one from Alaska, to read the Federal tax returns of anyone in America.

Bill Frist is understandably upset, vowing that “accountability will be carried out”. Diane Feinstein and John McCain are livid, but I have a fear the democrats are going to make this a partisan issue, as though the same thing couldn’t have happened if the Democrats were in charge.

I wonder… I wonder whether someone did this deliberatly, not to get these two congressmen weird powers, but to see if they could sneak through a law under everyone’s noses. I hope there are followups to this, and more importantly, I hope that our congressmen are held accountable for voting for the bill. It’s inexcusable that anyone would vote for a bill that they wouldn’t even read, yet we take this as a matter of course.
