I Don’t Like Daddy

Well, sooner or later, kids say things like this. They don’t mean it, but it still hurts to hear them say. These were the words that came from Thomas’ mouth on the way home last night.

“What do you mean by “I don’t like daddy”?” I asked. “I don’t like daddy’s work,” he said. “So you do LOVE daddy, but you don’t like the he’s gone?” “Yes, cuz I miss him.” “Well, it’s good that you miss him. Because you LOVE daddy. Daddy loves YOU too.” Thomas cut me off and was almost yelling, “He DOES?” “Yes, and that is why he has to go to work. Do you know what daddy does at work?” “No.” “He does stuff on his computers.” “Does he fix them?” “Sometimes. And when he works on computers or fixes them, he gets money for it. And what does he buy with that money?” “I don’t know!” “Well, he pays for our house and he buys food for us and clothing and toys and flowers for mommy…” “He buys toys?” “Yes! But he has to work to get money. And Daddy misses you, too, when he’s gone, but he loves you so much that he goes to work even though he misses you so that he can have money to take care of you. So do you love daddy?” “Uh-huh”. “Good, because he’s coming home the day after tomorrow.” Thomas started screaming with excitement “Yeah! Daddy’s coming home!”, which made Tabitha scream too, which woke up sleeping Aiden. LOL. Phew. One bomb diffused and a 999,999 more to go. PS: I miss “daddy” too!