How to Win Over the Pro-War Republicans

I posted the following over on the Daily Paul.

There is a common misconception amongst the people whom I talk to about Ron Paul that he’s some sort of a pacifist, and against all forms of foreign war. This misconception was reinforced and repeated by Bill O’Reilly a few months ago when Dr. Paul was on his show.

WIth the limited television budget, I would love to see the following in the hardcore “red states”. I would love to see Dr. Paul say something like the following.

“On September 11, 2001, America was attacked by a group of Islamic militants in a plan masterminded by Osama bi Laden. On [fill in the date], I voted to authorize President George W. Bush to deploy our military into Afghanistan to overthrow the corrupt government which was protecting these criminals, and to bring Osama bin Laden to justice. Since that time, our government has been distracted from this quest for justice by a war in Iraq, a country that has never attacked the United States and joined us as an enemy of Islamic jihadists.

The war in Iraq is draining our resources, and distracting us from our original mission of finding Osama bin Laden and destroying the Al Qaeda terrorist organization.

As president, I will refocus our military on the original mission, and go after the global criminal terror networks, and not allow our military to be used for to serve the interests of the oil companies and the military industrial complex.”

I think this would really ring a bell with the red state republicans and make them think twice about the other republican candidates who somehow equate the war in Iraq with the “War on Terror” and also remind people that Ron Paul isn’t a pacifist, but simply promotes the proper use of the military.