But a Sub is Just Not the Same

Looks like some students at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee conducted a dialect survey, asking questions like how do you pronounce “coupon” (the correct form is “coop-on”), or whether selling things in your back yard is a tag sale, a garage sale, a rummage sale, or a yard sale (again, the correct answer is “garage sale”). They then mapped out the answers to show how the version change by region.

The most important question they asked is what that long, deli meat sandwich is called. Hoagie came in second, but it was a way distant second to the #1 sub. But, as anyone who went to Subway can attest, it’s not the same thing as a hoagie.

One response to “But a Sub is Just Not the Same”

  1. A hoagie is definitely not the same thing as a sub. Now that I live in Rochester, it is almost impossible to find a real hoagie (and if you want a good cheesesteak, forget about it).