
album05/IMG_0421Aiden fell down this morning. Anyone who knows my son also knows that falling down is not newsworthy enough to write about. This was different.

When I came in the backdoor after taking the trash out this morning, Sarah was sitting at the kitchen table with Aiden in her lap and tears in her eyes. Aiden was sitting quietly with a big bruise on his head.

Sarah told me that he fell down the steps, flipping a couple times, and hitting his head hard at least three times. She ran down to see if he was ok, and he didn’t cry… he just lay there staring.

After he turned his head a bit, Sarah figured his neck wasn’t broken, so she picked him up and took him in the kitchen. That’s where I found them. She was shaken up, so I took Aiden and put him on my lap to see if he was ok. I started talking to him, and he was very quiet… he mumbled a few answers, but nothing enthusiastic. He didn’t look at me or Sarah; he just stared at the wall.

I put him down to see if he could walk, and he slowly walked into the living room where the kids were watching television. Sarah filled me in on what happened, and we both agreed that he was acting listless. We walked in to the living room, and he was standing in front of the television staring at it. I picked him up again, and sat down on the couch. He rested in my lap and put his head on my chest and started to close his eyes.

They always tell you with concussion victims not to let them go to sleep. If he did have a concussion, we didn’t want to let him fall asleep. Sarah called the pediatrician to find out what we should be looking for, and the person on the phone said if he’s acting mellow we should bring him in. We called my mom to see if she’s watch the kids, and we told the kids to get ready to go to grandma’s house. As soon as Aiden heard that, he got excited and started running around, getting his jacket, and cheering with Thomas and Tabitha.

At that point, Sarah and I looked at each, and we decided that he seemed to be fine. We called the doctor back, and told them that he perked up suddenly, and they said that it was probably just shock from the fall.

Thank God little kids are tough!
