Of Mice

Winter-2004/brownmouseThe other night, while the ladies were at our house for Bible study, Tabitha, who has a terrible cold, decided she no longer wanted her lemonade. Not wanting to waste a cup of lemonade, she poured it back into the main pitcher.

I grabbed the pitcher and put it in the kitchen before anyone else could have a drink.
As I walked into the kitchen, a brown mouse was nibbling on the remaining, uncut, Magic Cookie Bars. As I stepped closer, he ran away.

Not wanting to alarm anyone, I quietly scraped the cookie bars into the trash. One of the ladies came in as I was doing this and said, “You’re not going to save those?” I smiled and said, “NOPE!”

That night, we set a mousetrap and baited it with peanut butter.

The next morning, all of the peanut butter was neatly licked off of the trap – but the trap had not been tripped.

We set it again.

This morning, we got our fat brown mouse.
