Doug Wilson Seems to Agree With Me

It seems that Doug Wilson isn’t voting for Bush either. His beef is not so much with Bush, but with Christians who wink at the actions of the president… actions that would have raised all hell if it had been a Democrat doing them.

But here, in summary, is the reason I cannot vote for him. George Bush is far more likely than any liberal Democrat to get evangelical Christians to justify and go along with a public square religious syncretism. As a matter of settled policy, Bush has observed Ramadan in the White House, conducted a polytheistic worship service in the National Cathedral, offered reverence in a Shinto shrine in Japan, and so on. Many of these things, if done by a liberal Democrat, would (rightly) have had Christians up in arms. But with Bush, they go along.

It’s a good point, and one I didn’t think about. Why should I expect the elected president of a pluralist society to act anything like a pluralist? Wilson is right… I shouldn’t be upset with the President. It’s the normally rational Christians who are quick to claim the pluralist as a brother that really bugs me.