Got Polled Last Night

Last night, I got called by the Quinnipiac University poll about the SpecterToomey Republican Senatorial Primary in Pennsylvania. The last poll called 431 people likely Republican voters in Pennsylvania, so the chances of getting called are pretty slim, but as my mother told me last night when I gave her the news, “At least now we can’t say that we never get called on those polls.”

Most of the questions were straightforward, but one question I hesitated on… am I voting for Toomey, or against Specter? Although I philosophically don’t like voting against people, in this case, I had to admit that my vote was less for Toomey (who I’d really never heard of before Specter) and more against Specter. Don’t get me wrong, I agree with Toomey’s on just about every position of his that I’ve seen, but honestly, if the vote was simply “Should we remove Arlen Specter?”, I still would have voted for it.

With all the work that many so-called conservative groups are doing to get Specter re-elected, I’m envying anyone who will get to witness the grovelling by Bush, Santorum, and the NRA when Toomey does get elected.

Oh, well… we’ll see what happens. If you’re voting for Toomey this Tuesday, please remember to get out and vote. If not, do us all a favor and stay home.