The Trial Begins

Well, it seems that the prosecution in our case intends to use our blog as evidence in the trial, and we’ve received selected posts in our packet of evidence, so while I’ve always assumed that anyone in the world could read this, I now have that knowledge in the back of my mind as I write.

Anyway, the trial opened today, and I think in our defense we were able to to work with the prosecution and the court to move towards laying out the ground rules in the trial. While we would never in any way want these sort of things to happen often, the downside of the rarity of trials is that we’re all forced to blow the dust off our polity books and our Robert’s Rules of Order to remember how things are done. Of course, the overriding principle is fairness, and I’m hoping that the court will be able to recognize that.

As of right now, I’m not quite sure what the status is of descriptions of what transpires during the trial. Since there are requirements that witnesses not hear the testimony of others in order to prevent collusion, I’m not going detail a play by play throughout the trial. However, we did discuss issues of the status of the prosecutor, and how evidence is to be presented throughout the trial. Perhaps when we’re done I’ll give a summary of the sessions, but now is not the time.

While what transpired was not the most pleasant of experiences, everyone involved was able to keep a cool head about them, and I think all parties involved were successfully able to stay on subject, and not go down rabbit trails, or start yelling. In fact, voices weren’t raised at all, thank God!

Anyway, please continue to keep this whole process in your prayers. The pastor expressed a desire to be able to devote as much resources as necessary to his responsibilities both as pastor of the church, and moderator for the trial. That’s definitely something that we pray as well.
